Rs. 180.00
Number of Pages: 396+16
Book Size: 8.5/5.5 inch
Publication: Rita Publication
Authors: Dr. Mihir Kumar Chatterjee, Dr. Pranay Pandey
Categories : 4 YRS UG , 4 YRS UG > Bankura University (BKU) , Bankura University (BKU) > BKU-Semester 2
Bankura University (2nd Semester)
Major Course Code: A/EDN/201/MJC-2
Minor Course Code: A/EDN/202/MN-2
Unit-I: Philosophy and Education [16 Hours]
1. Meaning and concept of Philosophy
2. Meaning and concept of Education
3. Relationship between Philosophy and Education
4. Educational Philosophy—Concept, Scope and Function
5. Branches of Philosophy—Metaphysics, Epistemology and Axiology.
Unit-II: Western Schools of Philosophy [12 Hours]
Idealism, Realism, Naturalism and Pragmatism with special reference to the principles, aims of education, curriculum, teaching method, role of teacher and discipline.
Unit-III: Indian Schools of Philosophy [20 Hours]
Indian schools of Philosophy: Buddhism, Jainism, Sankhya, Yoga, Naya, Vaiseshika and Vedanta in terms of knowledge, reality, values and their Educational implications.
Unit-IV: National Values [12 Hours]
Democracy, Secularism and Socialism—National Values as enshrined by the Indian Constitutions and their educational implications
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