(Physical Education General),Anatomy,Physiology & Exercise Physiology,(Paper 3)

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West Bengal State University

Year 2: Semester 3: Paper 1: Subject Code : PEDGCOR05P

Full Marks: 75 Total Credits : 6 [120 Hours]


Unit- 1: Introduction [10 L]*

Meaning and definition of Anatomy, Physiology and Exercise Physiology, Importance of Anatomy, Physiology and Exercise Physiology in Physical Education, Human Cell- Structure and function,Tissue- Types and functions.

Unit- 2: Musculo-skeletal System [16 L]

Skeletal System-Structure of Skeletal System. Classification and location of bones and joints.Anatomical differences between male and female, Muscular System-Type, location, function and structure of muscle, Types of muscular contraction, Effect of exercise on muscular system.

Unit- 3: Circulatory and Respiratory System [24 L]

Blood-Composition and function, Heart-Structure and functions. Mechanism of blood circulation through heart. Blood Pressure, Athletic Heart and Bradycardia, Effect of exercise on circulatory system, Structure and function of Respiratory organs, Mechanism of Respiration, Vital Capacity, O2 Debt and Second Wind, Effect of exercise on respiratory system.

Unit- 4: Nervous and Endocrine System [10 L]

Meaning of Nervous System, Parts of Nervous System, system-structure of brain, spinal cord, Neuron, reflex action, Reciprocal Innervations. Meaning of Endocrine Gland, Function and Location of pituitary, Thyroid and Adrenal Glands.


  1. Assessment of, BMI, Heart rate, Blood Pressure, Respiratory Rate, Pick Flow Rate and Vital Capacity. [30 L]
  2. Anthropometric measurement (Length, wide and circumference of bones) , Body fat%. [30 L]


Semester- 3: Subject Code: PEDN-G-CC-3-3-TH-P

Full Marks: 100 Marks (50 Marks: Term-end Theory Exam, 30 Marks: Lab Practical &Record Book at Term-end Evaluation, 10 Marks: Internal Evaluation & 10 Marks: Attendance)

Unit- I: Introduction Lecture Hour-12

1.1. Anatomy, Physiology and Exercise Physiology: Meaning, Definition, Scope and Importance.

1.2. Cell: Definition, Structure and Function of Human Cell.

1.3. Tissue: Definition, Types and Functions.

1.4. System: Definition, Types and Functions in Human Body.

Unit-II: Musculo-skeletal System Lecture Hour-13

2.1. Skeletal System: Structure of Skeletal System; Classification of Bones and Joints; Anatomical Differences between Male and Female.

2.2. Muscular System: Types, Location, Structure and Function of Skeletal Muscle.

2.3. Muscular Contraction: Meaning, Types, Definition and Characteristics.

2.4. Effect of Exercise and Training on Muscular System.

Unit- III: Circulatory System Lecture Hour-13

3.1. Blood: Definition, Composition and Functions.

3.2. Heart: Definition, Structure and Functions. Blood Circulation Mechanism within Heart.

3.3. Meaning and Definition of Term: Heart Rate, Pulse Rate, Stroke Volume, Cardiac Output Blood Pressure-Systolic and Diastolic, Athletic Heart and Bradycardia.

3.4. Effect of Exercise and Training on Circulatory System.

Unit- IV: Respiratory System Lecture Hour-12

4.1. Structure and Functions of Human Respiratory Organs.

4.2. Respiration Mechanism.

4.3. Meaning and Definition of Term: Respiratory Rate, Tidal Volume, Residual Volume, Vital Capacity, O2 Debt and Second Wind.

4.4. Effect of Exercise and Training on Respiratory System.

Lab & Field Practical Lecture Hour-60

  1. Assessments of BMI and WHR (Waist-to-hip ratio).
  2. Assessment of Resting Heart Rate and Exercise Heart Rate.
  3. Assessment of Blood Pressure, Respiratory Rate and Pick Flow Rate.

Subject Code: PEDN-G-SEC-A-3-1-P

Subject: Track and Field

Full Marks: 100 Marks (50 Marks: Term-end Practical Examination, 30 Marks: Practical Work Book at Term-end Evaluation, 10 Marks: Internal Evaluation & 10 Marks: Attendance)

  1. Track Events Lecture Hour-50

1.1. Starting Techniques: Standing start and Crouch start (its variations) use of Starting Block.

1.2. Acceleration with proper running techniques.

1.3. Finishing Technique: Run Through, Forward Lunging and Shoulder Shrug.

1.4. Relay Race: Starting, Baton Holding/Carrying, Baton Exchange in between zone, and Finishing.

  1. Field Events (Any three; Students choice) Lecture Hour-50

2.1. Long Jump: Approach Run, Take-off, Flight in the air (Hang Style/Hitch Kick) and Landing.

2.2. High jump: Approach Run, Take-off, Bar Clearance/Flight (Straddle Roll) and Landing.

2.3. Shot put: Holding the Shot, Placement, Initial Stance, Glide, Delivery Stance and Recovery (Perry O Brien Technique).

2.4. Discus Throw: Holding the Discus, Initial Stance, Primary Swing, Turn, Release and Recovery (Rotation in the circle).

2.5. Javelin Throw: Grip, Carry, Release and Recovery (3/5 Impulse stride).

Project-cum-Practical Record Book

  1. Introduction of the Sport, History of Development
  2. Performance status of India and renowned personalities-Indian & International
  3. Fundamental Skills
  4. Rules & regulations with Field/Court diagram
  5. Tournaments & Sports Federations (National & International).

Kalyani University

SEMESTER-3:Course Code-CC1C

Total number of classes-60

Unit-I: Introduction LH-12

1.1. Meaning and definition of Anatomy, Physiology and Exercise Physiology.

1.2. Importance of Anatomy, Physiology and Exercise Physiology in Physical Education.

1.3. Human Cell-Structure and function.

1.4. Tissue-Types and functions.

Unit- II: Musculo-skeletal System LH-18

2.1. Skeletal System-Structure of Skeletal System. Classification and location of bones and joints. Anatomical differences between male and female.

2.1. Muscular System-Types of Muscles. Location, Structure and function of Skeletal muscle.

2.3. Types of muscular contraction.

2.4. Effect of exercise and training on muscular system.

Unit- III: Circulatory System LH-18

3.1. Blood-Composition and function.

3.2. Heart-Structure and functions. Mechanism of blood circulation through heart.

3.3. Blood Pressure, Athletic Heart and Bradycardia.

3.4. Effect of exercise and training on circulatory system.

Unit- IV: Respiratory System LH-12

4.1. Structure and function of Respiratory organs.

4.2. Mechanism of Respiration.

4.3. Vital Capacity, O2 Debt and Second Wind.

4.4. Effect of exercise and training on respiratory system.


  1. Assessments of BMI and WHR (Waist-to-hip ratio).
  2. Assessment of Heart rate, Blood Pressure, Respiratory Rate, and Pick Flow Rate (any two).

Course code: SEC 1: Track and Field

  1. Track Events

1.1. Starting Techniques: Standing start and Crouch start (its variations) use of Starting Block.

1.2. Acceleration with proper running techniques.

1.3. Finishing technique: Run Through, Forward Lunging and Shoulder Shrug.

1.4. Relay Race: Starting, Baton Holding/Carrying, Baton Exchange in between zone, and Finishing.

  1. Field events (any two)

2.1. Long Jump: Approach Run, Take-off, Flight in the air (Hang Style/Hitch Kick) and Landing.

2.2. High jump: Approach Run, Take-off, Bar Clearance (Straddle) and Landing.

2.3. Shot put: Holding the Shot, Placement, Initial Stance, Glide, Delivery Stance and Recovery (Perry O'Brien Technique).

2.4. Discus Throw: Holding the Discus, Initial Stance, Primary Swing, Turn, Release and Recovery (Rotation in the circle).

2.5. Javelin Throw: Grip, Carry, Release and Recovery (3/5 Impulse stride).


DSC-1C (CC- 3): Credits 06; DSC1CT: Credits 04

Unit-I: Introduction

1.1. Meaning and definition of Human Anatomy, Physiology and Exercise Physiology.

1.2. Importance of Human Anatomy, Physiology and Exercise Physiology in Physical Education.

1.3. Cell-Structure and function.

1.4. Tissue-Types and functions.

Unit-II: Musculo-skeletal System

2.1. Skeletal System-Structure of Skeletal System. Classification and locations of bones and joints. Anatomical differences between male and female.

2.2. Muscular System-Type, location, function and structure of muscle.

2.3. Types of muscular contraction.

2.4. Effect of exercise and training on muscular system.

Unit-III: Circulatory System

3.1. Blood-Composition and function.

3.2. Heart-Structure and functions. Mechanism of blood circulation through heart.

3.3. Blood Pressure, Athletic Heart and Bradycardia.

3.4. Effect of exercise and training on circulatory system.

Unit- IV: Respiratory System

4.1. Structure and function of Respiratory organs.

4.2. Mechanism of Respiration.

4.3. Vital Capacity, O2 Debt and Second Wind.

4.4. Effect of exercise and training on respiratory system.

DSC1CP: Practical Credits 02

  1. Assessment of BMI, and WHR.
  2. Measurement of Blood Pressure, Vital Capacity, Respiratory rate, Heart Rate, Limb length, PEI, and Pick flow Rate.



Corse Code-CC1C

Unit-I: Introduction LH-12

1.1. Meaning and definition of Anatomy, Physiology and Exercise Physiology.

1.2. Importance of Anatomy, Physiology and Exercise Physiology in Physical Education.

1.3. Human Cell-Structure and function.

1.4. Tissue-Types and functions.

Unit-II: Musculo-skeletal System LH-18

2.1. Skeletal System-Structure of Skeletal System. Classification and location of bones and joints. Anatomical differences between male and female.

2.2. Muscular System-Type, location, function and structure of muscle.

2.3. Types of muscular contraction.

2.4. Effect of exercise on muscular system.

Unit-III: Circulatory System LH-18

3.1. Blood-Composition and function.

3.2. Heart-Structure and functions. Mechanism of blood circulation through heart.

3.3. Blood Pressure, Athletic Heart and Bradycardia.

3.4. Effect of exercise on circulatory system.

Unit-IV: Respiratory System LH-12

4.1. Structure and function of Respiratory organs.

4.2. Mechanism of Respiration.

4.3. Vital Capacity, O2 Debt and Second Wind.

4.4. Effect of exercise on respiratory system.


  1. Assessments of BMI and WHR.
  2. Assessment of Heart rate, Blood Pressure, Respiratory Rate, and Pick Flow Rate (any two).

Course code: SEC 1 Track and Field

  1. Track Events

1.1. Starting Techniques: Standing start and Crouch start (its variations) use of Block.

1.2. Acceleration with proper running techniques.

1.3. Finishing technique: Run Through, Forward Lunging and Shoulder Shrug.

1.4. Relay Race: Starting, Baton Holding/Carrying, Baton Exchange in between zone, and Finishing.

  1. Field events (any two)

2.1. Long Jump: Approach Run, Take-off, Flight in the air (Hang Style/Hitch Kick) and Landing.

2.2. High jump: Approach Run, Take-off, Bar Clearance (Straddle) and Landing.

2.3. Shot put: Holding the Shot, Placement, Initial Stance, Glide, Delivery Stance and Recovery (Perry O'Brien Technique).

2.4. Discus Throw: Holding the Discus, Initial Stance, Primary Swing, Turn, Release and Recovery (Rotation in the circle).

2.5. Javelin Throw: Grip, Carry, Release and Recovery (3/5 Impulse stride).


SemeSter-II: Core Paper 3(DSC-3) Course Code: UG/PEDG/201/C-1B

Total Marks = 50 {Theory Marks: 40 :: Internal Assessment (Practical)- 10}

Unit-I: Introduction

  1. Meaning and Definition of Anatomy& Physiology.
  2. Definition and Meaning of Cell, Tissue, Organ and System.
  3. Need for knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology in the field of Physical Education.

Unit-II: Skeletal System and Muscular System

  1. Meaning and definition of Skeletal System and Muscular System
  2. Types of bones, name of the major bones the human body.
  3. Types of joint, Fundamental movements and movement around Ankle, Knee, Hip, Shoulder, Elbow and Wrist.
  4. Definition of muscle, its types, Structure and function of muscle.
  5. Types of Muscular contraction and concept of All or none law.
  6. Postural Deformities and their Remedies.

Unit-III: Respiratory System and Circulatory System

  1. Meaning of Respiration and Blood Circulation.
  2. Different organs associated with Respiration and Mechanism of Respiration.
  3. Concept of Oxygen debt, Second wind, Vital capacity and Pulmonary ventilation, VO2 Max
  4. Heart, structure and function of heart, Mechanism of Blood Circulation.
  5. Blood, function of Blood and its compositions.
  6. Concept of Stroke Volume, Cardiac Output, Blood Pressure, Blood Group and Coagulation of Blood.

Unit-IV: Nervous System and Endocrine System

  1. Definition and Meaning of Nervous System and Endocrine System
  2. Brain, Spinal cord and their function
  3. Concept of Reflex action, Reciprocal Innervations and Inhibition
  4. Type of Endocrine Glands and their functions-Pituitary, Thyroid, and Adrenal Gland

Unit-V: Physiology of Exercise and Sports

  1. Definition of Physiology and Physiology of Exercise and Sports
  2. Effects of Exercise (immediate effects) on Muscular System.
  3. Effects of Exercise (immediate effects) on Respiratory System.
  4. Effects of Exercise (immediate effects) on Circulatory System.

INTERNAL MARKS: (Practical) 10 marks

( Preparation of Record Book is Compulsory which will be evaluated by Internal Examiner)

  1. Measurement of Blood Pressure
  2. Measurement of Vital Capacity
  3. Measurement of Heart Rate
  4. Measurement of Physical Efficiency Index (PEI)
  5. Measurement of Limb Length

(Internal Practical Marks will be given based on Internal Practical Test and Practical Performance throughout the entire semester)


SEMESTER-3: Corse Code-CC1C

Unit-I: Introduction LH-12

  1. Meaning and definition of Anatomy, Physiology and Exercise Physiology.
  2. Importance of Anatomy, Physiology and Exercise Physiology in Physical Education.
  3. Human Cell-Structure and function.
  4. Tissue-Types and functions.

Unit- II: Musculo-skeletal System LH-18

  1. Skeletal System-Structure of Skeletal System. Classification and location of bones and joints. Anatomical differences between male and female.
  2. Muscular System-Type, location, function and structure of muscle.
  3. Types of muscular contraction.
  4. Effect of exercise on muscular system.

Unit- III: Circulatory System LH-18

  1. Blood-Composition and function
  2. Heart-Structure and functions.
  3. Blood Pressure, Athletic Heart and Bradycardia.
  4. Effect of exercise on circulatory system.

Unit- IV: Respiratory System LH-12

  1. Structure and function of Respiratory organs.
  2. Mechanism of Respiration.
  3. Vital Capacity, O2 Debt and Second Wind.
  4. Effect of exercise on respiratory system.


  1. Assessments of BMI and WHR.
  2. Assessment of Heart rate, Blood Pressure, Respiratory Rate, and Pick Flow Rate (any two).


SEMESTER-3: Corse Code-CC1C

Unit-I: Introduction LH-12

1.1. Meaning, definitionand importance of Anatomy, Physiology and Exercise Physiology.

1.2. Human Cell-Structure and function.

1.3. Tissue-Types and functions.

1.4. Organ and System

Unit-II: Musculo-skeletal System LH-18

2.1. Skeletal System-Structure of Skeletal System. Classification and location of bones and joints, Anatomical differences between male and female.

2.2. Muscular System-Type, location, function and structure of muscle.

2.3. Types of muscular contraction.

2.4. Effect of exercise on muscular system.

Unit-III: Circulatory System LH-18

3.1. Blood-Composition and function.

3.2. Heart-Structure and functions. Mechanism of blood circulation through heart.

3.3. Blood Pressure, Athletic Heart and Bradycardia.

3.4. Effect of exercise on circulatory system.

Unit-IV: Respiratory System LH-12

4.1. Structure and function of Respiratory organs.

4.2. Mechanism of Respiration.

4.3. Vital Capacity, O2 Debt and Second Wind.

4.4. Effect of exercise on respiratory system.


  1. Assessments of BMI (Body Mass Index)and WHR(Waist Hip Ratio).
  2. Assessment of Heart rate, Blood Pressure, Respiratory Rate, and Pick Flow Rate (any two).

Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University

SEMESTER- 3: Corse Code- CC1C

Unit- I: Introduction LH-12

1.1. Meaning and definition of Anatomy, Physiology and Exercise Physiology.

1.2. Importance of Anatomy, Physiology and Exercise Physiology in Physical Education.

1.3. Human Cell-Structure and function.

1.4. Tissue-Types and functions.

Unit- II: Musculo-skeletal System LH-18

2.1. Skeletal System-Structure of Skeletal System. Classification and location of bones and joints. Anatomical differences between male and female.

2.2. Muscular System-Type, location, function and structure of muscle.

2.3. Types of muscular contraction.

2.4. Effect of exercise on muscular system.

Unit- III: Circulatory System LH-18

3.1. Blood-Composition and function

3.2. Heart-Structure and functions.

3.3. Blood Pressure, Athletic Heart and Bradycardia.

3.4. Effect of exercise on circulatory system.

Unit- IV: Respiratory System LH-12

4.1. Structure and function of Respiratory organs.

4.2. Mechanism of Respiration.

4.3. Vital Capacity, O2 Debt and Second Wind.

4.4. Effect of exercise on respiratory system.


  1. Assessments of BMI and WHR.
  2. Assessment of Heart rate, Blood Pressure, Respiratory Rate, and Pick Flow Rate (any two).



Categories : All University , Physical Education General

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Author-Dr.Ajit Das

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