Jonosonkha O Poribesh-Siksha

Rs. 150.00

west bengal state University


Introduction to Population Education

Concepts and Scope

Population Education in India

Population situation, Population and development Policy, Educational Policy 1986, National Population education ProgrammePopulation Dynamics

Population growth and distribution, Age and Sex composition, Components of Population change (Fertility, Mortality and Migration)

Population and Development

Food, Shelter, Water, Education

Population, Environment and Resources

Sustainable Development, What is sustainable weighing, cost and benefit, Deforestation, Soil erosion, Flood, Ground water exploitation, Threat to wild life, Chemical and pesticide, Water and Air Pollution, Acid rain, Greenhouse efect, Ozone depletion, Recycling of resources, Conservation and rational use of resources.

Population, Environment, Health and Nutrition

Interrelation of the four and their role in the quality of life

Population Education and Environment Education

Interdependence of the two and their integrationTeaching of Population and Environmental Education

Population and environmental education as separate school subject.

Integrated model for structuring environmental education.

Awareness campaign, Action Programmes, Integration with other national programmes like NSS, NCC, Scouting, Nature Club etc., Changing learner behaviour through environmental education.



GOURBANGA University


Paper - IV

First Half : Environmental Education

Unit : 1

  1. Concept of Environmental Education.
  2. Nature & Scope of Environmental Education.
  3. Importance of Environmental Education.
  4. Place of Environmental Education in the present Curriculum of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education of West Bengal.
  5. Balance of Environment.

Unit : 2

  1. Meaning and Definition of Environment and its Components.
  2. Principles of Environment.
  3. Major Environmental Problems.
  4. Concept of Healthy Environment & Efforts in this Direction.
  5. Conservation of Environment : Government Commitment in National and International Fields.

Unit : 3

  1. Teaching Environmental Education.
  2. Various Methods (Survey, Project and Field Trip).
  3. Role of School and Teacher various activities and associated skills.
  4. Eco Magazine.
  5. Exhibition and Plantation.
  6. Eco-Club meaning, objectives, structure, and activities.

Unit : 4

  1. Introduction of Environmental Pollution.
  2. Types of Pollution Radioactive Pollution, Solid Waste Pollution, Air Pollution, Water Pollution.
  3. Causes of Pollution.
  4. Depletion of Ozone Layer.
  5. Global Warming (Green House Effect).
  6. Advances in Pollution Control Technology.

Unit : 5 Miscellaneous Environmental Issues

  1. Forests and their Conservation.
  2. Wildlife and its Conservation.

iii. Conservation of Energy Resources.

  1. Alternate Source of Energy.
  2. Waste Management.
  3. Population and Environment- Human Population Growth and its Problems

vii. Indoor Environment.


Paper - VI

Special Paper : Population Education

Unit : 1 Population Education

  1. Concept of Population Education
  2. Needs importance of Population Education
  3. Scope of Population Education
  4. Objectives of Population Education

Unit : 2 World and Indian population

  1. Scope of world population and Indian population
  2. Characteristics of world population and Indian population
  3. Size, Composition and Structure of Indian population
  4. Demographic distribution and density of population of India
  5. Population mobility in India

Unit : 3 Population Dynamics: Determinants of Population Growth

  1. Traditional and Sociological, Economic and Political, Biological and Psychological Factors in Population.

Unit : 4 Problems of Population Explosion

  1. Family Life, Health and Nutritional Problems
  2. Social Problems

iii. Economical Problems

  1. Educational Problem
  2. Urbanization Problems
  3. Environmental Problems

vii. Effects on Natural Resources, Health and standard of Living

Unit : 5 Population Control and Population policies

  1. Planning, Remedies and Government's Role.
  2. HRD and Qualities of Population in India
  3. Major Institutions involved in Population Policies and Implementation of Programmes for Population Control
  4. Role of Teacher in Population Education :

as facilitator of knowledge.

as community leader in the process of social change.

Categories : Reference Books

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Author-Dr.Subir Nag,Dr.Saikat Pandit

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